
13 Reasons Why Jensen Went To Liberty High School

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In the show 13 Reasons why, Clay Jensen, a teenager that went to Liberty High School, was distraught when his classmate Hannah Baker ended her own life. It was more personal however because he was in love with her. Furthermore, two weeks after returns home from school one day to find a mysterious box lying on his porch. Inside, he discovers seven double-sided cassette tapes recorded by none other than Hannah. On the tapes, Hannah tells the thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. She instructs that after the person is done with listening the tapes, they must be passed to the next person, otherwise the tapes will be released to the public. The audience then is brought through each individual person that was on the tapes through the …show more content…

The dual representation theory says that there are two types of memories which cause PTSD. Situationally accessible memory (SAM) which is similar to episodic memory, involuntarily recalls memories that are perceived as a threat and are recalled by envoivernment. Verbally accessible memory (VAM) however is voluntarily recalled and is understood, which makes it so there is no threat to it. By having VAM, you are learning to move and know that these memories are in the past and are not in the present. SAM is presented by Clay when had flashbacks of memories such as when Hannah pushed Clay away and was one of the reasons that made her kill herself, or any memory of her doing the act. These memories for Clay were unwanted, and unconscious but still happened to him which made him threatened and even more depressed. An example of VAM that happened to Clay was the when he was starting to have closure of Hannah making a speech at her funeral. During that, he went out of his way (consciously) to have a final speech dedicated to her, which helps Clay move past the traumatic event. A one theory of schizophrenia includes the environmental/stress theory. The theory states that environmental stressors, especially at a young age can be one of the factors that can cause schizophrenia. That means that some causes for schizophrenia can include: prenatal exposure to a viral infection, low oxygen levels during birth, exposure to a virus during infancy, early parental loss or separation, physical or sexual abuse in childhood. This theory applies to Clay because Clay's Dad said "and, if you want to talk to someone about them - someone that doesn't share your DNA". This means that Clay's Dad isn't Clay’s actual father, and that means that one of the causes of: "early parental loss or separation" applies to Clay, making it a

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