13th Amendment Essay Outline

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The 13th Amendment The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, unless if it is punishment for committing a crime. The Amendment was passed on January 31, 1865. This Amendment has changed not only the lives of the slaves, or the slave owners, but the people of their future; the people of today’s society. The 13th amendment not only stopped slavery, but started a new type of slavery; the slavery of education. December 18, 1865, Secretary of state William Seward issued a statement verifying the ratification of the 13th Amendment; even though it states the abolishment of slavery, the different races were still separated. It was hard for black people to get any updated books and other necessary tools needed for a good education. There where white only schools, white only stores to having white only water fountains. It was no slavery with chains anymore, but limitations were still amongst those who were not white. …show more content…

Then December 6, 1864, Abraham Lincoln recommended to the House of Representatives to reconsider their decision against abolishing slavery. Starting on January 6, 1865 and ending on January 31, 1865 was eight well-spoken and well-thought-out debates. On February 1, 1865 after nearly a month of serious debates, Abraham Lincoln finally signs the Joint Resolution submitting the proposed 13th Amendment to the states. After December 18, 1865 the Amendment is on the constitution, slaves are free, and all seems to be going well. Until, the ex-slaves could not keep a job, and people were getting unfair wages for