1930's: A Brief History Of The Film Industry

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Film Industry The beginning of the film industry started in 1890, which followed up with motion-picture cameras and the first film production companies. The first film studios were built in 1897. Most if not all films at that time were a minute long or under until 1927. Also, motion pictures were produced without sound and most had subtitles or you were given a script to follow along. Eventually, as time progressed, motion pictures show the art of cinema moving to a large-scale business and entertainment industry. From this point, the films began to be several minutes long consisting of several shots. In 1900, action across successive shots was achieved and then close-up shot was introduced. . Special effects were introduced, and film involving action moving from one sequence into another, was beginning to be …show more content…

The films of this period were called “chase films”. The first permanent theatre showing only films was “The Nickelodeon” in Pittsburgh in 1905, and the first feature length multi-reel film was an Australian production in 1906. In 1910, most if not all actors began to receive credit for their role. Thus, the way to of film stars was opened. Regular film reels were exhibited from 1910 and soon became a popular way for finding out the news. From about 1910, American films had the largest share of the market in all European countries, with the exception of France. And throughout the 1930’s, genres began to be used as the main categories such as comedy and drama, but these categories became further subclasses and divided as time move forward. With the rises of films become more and more popular, so did the rises of film studios. Some of which became famous such as Paramount Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros, RKO Pictures, and Metro-Goldwyn Mayer. These five studios later became typical name and were referred to as the “Big

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