1970 Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)

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On July 1,1970 Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) had begun their operations under the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, Governor Richard Ogilvie signed the legislation and only few employees from Illinois Department of Public Health and Sanitation Board had collectively formed the agency. (IEPA, 2015). IEPA was the first agency that developed framework to protect the public from environmental harms and took the initial responsibility to afford healthy air, land and water for public use. (IEPA, 2015). Before, in 19th century there was not much priority given to the outdoor air and water resources, and industrialization had even made it worse, so U.S EPA and IEPA were inaugurated in 1970 to protect the air and water from toxic contaminants releasing from refineries, power plants, steel mills etc. (IEPA, 2015). In 1970s IEPA improved public water supplies, initiated water quality monitoring program with sampling and analysis methods, and drinking water treatment plants. (IEPA, 2015). To prevent water pollution, Illinois Anti-pollution Bond Act in 1970 allotted infrastructure grants for IEPA to treat waste water and upgrade non-potable water treatment facilities. (IEPA, 2015). …show more content…

By implementing these laws, they regulated and investigated the storage, handling and disposal of hazardous wastes from industries and other sources. (IEPA, 2015). Other landmarks in 1970 was they developed environmental laboratories, enforcement program, emergency response program in Marion, Chicago, Champaign and in Springfield. (IEPA,

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