1977 Murder Of A Rubidoux Bartender

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Hair & Fiber Case Files Case #1 1977 Murder of a Rubidoux Bartender Victim: James Anagnos Suspect: Frank Wright (Convicted) The hair on James Anagnos connected Frank Wright to the body of James Anagnos which was later proven that Frank Wright murdered James Anagnos. Case #2 1987 Murder of Amy Schulz Victim: Amy Schulz Suspect: Cecil Sutherland (Convicted) The two hairs found on Amy’s dead body was left by the killer so the police crime lab made a match to Sutherland which proved he murdered Amy Schulz Case #3 Murder of Sofia Silva and siblings Victim: Sofia Silva, Kati and Kristin Lisk Suspect: Richard Marc Evonitz The fibers found on the girls’ clothing matched the fibers he had in an apartment after one of the girls he abducted