Title of Your Report George Orwell’s 1984 is a novel written about a society in which they have a totalitarian government. It talks about the society through the eyes of Winston, who is the protagonist and tells of the horrible things this government does. It serves as a warning, showing that the government should not have much control over us. In the novel, the citizens are constantly being watched, there is a constant warfare, they have limits on free speech, loss of individuality, and groupthink. The story really allows for a deeper lesson, teaching that there are things that humanity should really appreciate the freedom we have over ourselves and should therefore be kept as a school curriculum. Throughout the novel we see many examples of the government mind controlling the citizens in order to make them believe what they want them to believe. We are told, later in the book, that the government sets up these wars with an enemy country, but they are arranged in order to make all citizens believe that they are really at war. The enemy that they are fighting changes throughout, and the government lies to the citizens about who they are really up against. It shows the power the government has over them and tells why we shouldn’t allow for the government to control …show more content…
The citizens seem to all be aware of the surveillance and they are comfortable with it. Winston however, is always paranoid about being around them. They have people constantly changing documents of the past in order to fit the present. This is Orwell's warning that the government should not be able to always keep us in constant watch or else we will end up brainwashed like this society. The U.S. does not have as much surveillance as this society, but has it only in order to keep its citizens safe at all times and only in public