2010 Dietary Guidelines

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The 2010 Dietary guidelines discuss the many different ways that you should manage your eating habits along with your physical activity in order to live a healthy life. The guidelines begin by suggesting that a person should build a healthy plate (United States Department of Agriculture, 2011). In order to build a healthy plate, you have to plan your meals ahead of time and consider what items are nutrient rich for you to eat. You should consider eating items such as whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products that are low in fat. These types of foods will provide you with the the necessary amount of nutrients, but are not filled with an excessive amount of calories. As you begin to prepare your plate, consider making fruits and vegetables the star of the plate. These items should make up at least half of the plate. Fruits and vegetables that are red, orange, and dark green are very nutrient rich and healthier for you. If grains are part of your meal, at least half of them should be whole grains. Protein choices should be switched up. Your diet should consist of a variety of proteins that include seafood, at least twice per week. Beans are also protein source and they are high in fiber. The proteins should not be the star of the plate. The protein portion should be small and lean. …show more content…

These types of food add extra calories that are not needed and sodium that can impact your blood pressure. These choices include your drink selections as well. Choose water over soda. Choose fruit over dessert. Choose 100% fruit juice rather than drinks that are fruit flavored are suggestions from the United States Department of