22 Jump Street Analysis

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Although many movies today share common themes, they still have there minor differences, which overall creates a different storyline. Both 22 Jump Street and Legally Blonde share a common theme. Both movies are set in a college scene, and both themes include overcoming a hardship to achieve a goal and growing a closer relationship with the people around them. In 22 Jump Street, the main characters, Schmidt and Jenko, attend college to solve a mysterious death of a student (Goldberg 2013), as in Legally Blonde, Elle Woods attends college to become a lawyer to prove herself to her ex-boyfriend and win him back (Ebert, 2001). Although both films are intriguing, 22 Jump Street, has a more active, mysterious plot; The humor and suspense it brings along is much more fitting for today 's audience, and the chemistry between the characters is overwhelming. 22 Jump Street came out in 2014 and was a sequel to 21 Jump Street. The two main characters, Channing Tatum playing as Jenko, and Jonah Hill playing as Schmidt, capture the humorous, adventurous side of people. In this film they are sent to college to solve a case of a recent death of a student on campus named Cynthia. When they arrive they are to remain undercover, act, and participate in all college activities, in hopes to find some evidence. After adjusting to college the began to find important clues that lead to the students previous death. However, they also run into many hardships and they have to decide if they still

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