3.1.3 Aquatic Environment: Water Density

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3.1.3 Aquatic Environment – Density
Water Density
The balloon which is filled with helium gas weighs less than the air then it displaces. In other words, it is a lighter gas for the same volume, means it is less dense. Density of any substance is the weight of a specific volume and its unit is grams / liter or lbs / cubic foot. If wood is less dense than water it will float in the water.
Density and Resistance
It’s very difficult to walk in water than the air because water is so very much denser than air – it’s difficult to push aside – It’s easier to swim because it push the water aside. In the same way, the less surface area of our ROV, the less resistance will exert on it then less power will be required to make it move faster.

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