5 Branches Of The Us Army Essay

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Out of all of the 5 branches of the military the United States Army is the largest branch and serves as the land based fighting machine of this country. The United States Army mission is to fight and win this nation’s wars by providing prompt land dominance when and where it is needed. These missions are officially carried out primarily via deterrence, but in the reality of things the Army is the team that is in the fight for the long haul. The operational part of the United Sates Army consists of numbered armies, corps, divisions, brigades, and battalions that conduct full spectrum operations around the world. The institutional part of the Army supports the operational Army. The training base provides military skills and professional education to every soldier Army wide as well as members of sister services and allied forces. This allows the Army to expand and move rapidly in time of war. The next branch of the military is the Navy; the Navy is the equivalent to the Army but operating primarily on water. The Navy runs …show more content…

Usually, other forces follow once Marines have opened up a site for heavy artillery and troops. The Marines use tactics that emphasize on aggressiveness and offensive warfare. The official mission of the Marine Corps is to provide marine forces wherever they maybe with combines arms and supporting air components for service with the U.S. Fleet in the seizure or defense of advance naval bases and for land operations as maybe essential to a naval campaign. Although the Marines are a smaller size unit that the other branches of the military, the Marine Corps is highly effective, in part because of its task-oriented organization. Other branches segregate air, ground and marine combat units but the Marine Corps combines all three so that any combination of missions can be carried out with the maximum efficiency that is

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