5 Pillars Of Islam Research Paper

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Islam is a religion followed by over a billion Muslims that have a strong faith. The culture, or the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively, of Islam has many varieties. Islam influences Muslim peoples’ beliefs and values internally and externally by their central figures, creation story, sacred texts, key beliefs and teachings, believers and sects, methods of prayer and worship, holy days and festivals, and holy places. The first and main section of the Islamic religion is their central figures. Islam is a religion that is monotheistic. Allah is their one true God. He has no gender, shape, or form. He has always existed. Muhammad is the most respected prophet and considered the final prophet …show more content…

One would be the five Pillars of Islam. The five Pillars of Islam include the Shahadah, Sawm, Salat, Zakat, and the Hajj. The Shahada consists of reciting the Muslim profession of faith. The Salat consists of performing ritual prayers 5 times a day. The Zakat consists of paying a charity tax to benefit the poor. The Sawm consists of fasting during the month of Ramadan. The Hajj consists of pilgrimage to Mecca. By carrying out these actions, the Muslim demonstrates that they’re putting their faith first. The Jihad is also one of the key beliefs and teachings they believe in. The meaning of the word ‘Jihad’ is a struggle or effort. Muslims believe in angels and also believe that Jesus, Moses, and Abraham are respected prophets. Muslims also believe the Final Prophet is Muhammad. When Muhammad died in the early 7th century, Muslims chose Abu Bakr, a close companion of Muhammad, to lead the Islamic state. Muslims believe in the Day of Judgement, which is the day when the life of every human being will be evaluated on whether they’re going to heaven or hell. Muslims believe in wearing a Hijab to cover all except a person's hands and face. If a Hijab is not worn, it is considered a sin, unlike the Niqab, which is a cloth worn by some Muslim women and covers the womans face and usually also their hands. These key beliefs and teachings are followed by a lot of people that practice the Islamic …show more content…

Majority of these are in the Middle East. The sects Sunnah and Shi’a started after Muhammad’s death. The leader Abu Bakr had the Sunni’s on his side. They believed that Muhammad had chosen Bakr to lead congregational prayers as he was dying. This suggested that Bakr was the next leader. The leader Ali had the Shi’as on his side. They believed that on Muhammad’s journey back from his last hajj, he said that Ali was the spiritual guide and master of all believers. Ali eventually accepted Abu Bakr as the leader. After the dispute with the leaders, the festivals had come

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