1. John Piper tells about the Five Points of the Calvinism (TULIP), where it focuses on the God saving the sinners, which will deeply affect our perspective of God, man, salvation, atonement, regeneration, assurance, worship, and missions. - Total Depravity is about our natural condition that apart from God’s grace due to sin. Total depravity can happen when we apart from the grace of God, there will be no more happiness in holiness of God, then if we do something with total rebellion, the result will be the sinful rebellion, and not an honor to God, the mind that set on the ‘flesh’ also will set apart the dwelling of the spirit of God. Total depravity is about our sinful rebellion against God, which makes us unable to submit to Him, and deserve …show more content…
However, we need an extra effort so that we’ll be chosen, where our salvation is depended on God, God will elect the people that He’ll save. The prior things in God’s election is faith. Christian has faith and united with Christ because we were chosen. Everybody will receive the sovereign call of God, which then will lead to justification through faith and glorification at the end. - Limited Atonement – Christ died for those who trust in Him. The atonement is not for those who deny that the death of God will bring us salvation. In the new covenant, God will give us a new heart, the heart that fears the Lord, so we’re not turning away from Him. Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant, where His blood is the blood of the covenant, which will purchase and guarantee the new heart of faith and repentance. He was purchasing the belief, and grace for us through His death. - Irresistible Grace – God is sovereign, no one can resist His will. When God overcomes the total depravity in us by opening our hearts and bring us to having faith in Christ, we can be saved. God changes our heart and made us willing to repent by giving the gift of repentance. Irresistible grace is not against our will, which also means that God never force us to repent, believe, or follow