
5 Reasons Why Teachers Should Get Paid More

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When it comes to career paths most students tend to go for the money, most of them go for the highest pay and they tend to ignore the “low paying” one. I mean, why spend thousands of dollars in college only to get a job where you won't make those thousands back, however sometimes it's not all about the money, sometimes it's about making a decision that can make you happy. As the saying goes “ Money can’t buy happiness but i’d rather cry in a Ferrari.”(unknown). Every job has its ups and down, but as long as it something that makes you happy it should be worth it and for me that's being a high school teacher. When it comes to high school teacher I believe the best part about it is getting to influence many students, changing their lives and …show more content…

Personality I believe teachers should be paid more, as teachers do more than teach students how to read, write and do math, they teach them how to be adults. According to Kasey Snyder, writer of 5 Reasons Why Teachers Should Get Paid More, “they teach students how to be good adults by teaching them to persevere when things do not go as planned. When a student gets a bad grade on a test, they may realize what they did not do well on and do better on the next test.” Being a teacher not only receives a decent outcome, but also it involves spending your own to pay for supplies for your class. Spending money earn by your job only to spend it back doing your job, no surprise why teachers would get mad when items were lost. There is a big argument whether teachers should get paid more, after all there are adults who make 20,000 a year, in comparison the amount made by a teacher is a lot. With that in mind, considering there are other careers that pay more and require less, it's no wonder why people believe they should earn more. “Of course, money is not a motivating factor for some people who enter the teaching profession, but it can't be ignored, according to Dick Startz, writer for the

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