
7 Up All The Way To 35 Up Analysis

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Although, the documentary tries to portray an image that success is based upon an individual’s social status, the comparison of Paul and John proves that receiving a college education is not the only way to achieve success and happiness in life.
From 7 Up all the way to 35 Up, the documentary series has been trying to convince us that if you choose to further your education, then you have captured the key to success and happiness, whereas if you do not choose to attend college you will not be as happy or successful as someone who did. However, Paul and John prove just how inaccurate the documentary actually turns out to be. At the age of seven, Paul and John came from completely different backgrounds, Paul came from a less fortunate background, …show more content…

By using the fact that since Paul doesn’t know what university he wants to attend, let alone know what a university is, portrays that based on his education system he would not be as successful as John. From here on once Paul and John reached the age of twenty-one both men were now at very different positions in life, John didn’t get the opportunity to attend Trinity Cambridge University, instead he got to attend the University of Oxford, which was also an Ivy League university, where he was able to attend law school and pursue his dreams of becoming a lawyer. Comparatively Paul moved to Australia and decided not to further his education anywhere, instead Paul became a brick layer for a local company and was happy to be exploring his life one day at a time, where he hoped to one day be married and have children of his own. This proves just how inaccurate the documentary turned out to be, since the documentary gave the assumption that if you choose to further your education you will be both happy and successful, however Paul shows how content and how much he is enjoying his life at the moment without ever having to go to

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