Veterans Health Administration Policy and Programs. Kelly A. Spykerman University of Wisconsin-Green Bay SOC WORK 711-800 Foundations of Social Welfare Justine Terzinski 23 November 2024 Introduction The United States Veterans Administration (VHA) is a vital component of the Veterans Health Administration, dedicated to offering a wide range of health care services to the nation's veterans (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2023). In fact, in 2023 it will be the biggest integrated healthcare system in the nation with 1,255 medical facilities, 171 medical centers, and more than 1,000 outpatient facilities (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2023). As the most extensive integrated healthcare system, VHA addresses the most diverse health needs …show more content…
In this essay, we will be discussing policies and programs of VHA through the dual lenses of: A) how well the policy addresses the needs and meets the needs of veterans; and B) whether this policy reflects values of social work and principles of social justice. We shall devise a guidance model, focusing on the results and implications of VHA and use a framework for social policy. This will be, however, a call for action for social workers, as these issues must be addressed. This is, admittedly, a complicated task, but it must be taken to ensure the representation of veterans' needs. Population The VHA serves a large and varied population, with estimates of over 9 million veterans as of 2022 (National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, 2022). This population is characterized by an assortment of variables: age, race, gender, and social class. Research has shown that veterans are indeed considered a population at risk for psychosocial disorders (National Institute of Mental Health, 2022). For …show more content…
More about this can be read in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2023). Social Justice Framework Social workers should be actively involved in the formulation and advocacy of policy reforms that ease equal care. This may include advocating for more funds to expand services, training, and education on cultural competency. Ethical Principles and Code of Ethics: The dignity and worth of a person is indeed promoted. The NASW Code of Ethics calls for the fair distribution of services by social workers. The VHA contemplates a system guided by this value structure which would strive to address the needs of veterans concerning health care; there are, however, certain areas which even from this perspective show a dire need in terms of improving accessibility. Privilege, Oppression, and Discrimination: The VHA policy must be examined from the point of view of social justice, especially the identification and eradication of systemic inequity if it is in any of its forms. Literature has found perceived discrimination and/or lack of cultural competence in care, as reported by minority veterans, with special mention of the BIPOC veterans, to be a constant factor for higher