9/11 And The Twin Towers: Massive Attack

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The Twin Towers: Massive Attack The Twin Towers were two huge office buildings located in New York City. They were mainly made because of financial purposes not only for the United States but also for other countries around the world. Another important reason why the Twin Towers were made was to help the New York society believe in itself and also to prove a connection for the United States to the rest of the world. The 9/11 event started on September 11, 2001 at 8:45 a.m. All of that started when one American plane that was kidnapped by the Al-Qaeda organization crashed into the north tower of the famous Twin Towers. That plane killed a lot of people and it also left a lot of people from higher floors trapped without a way of getting out. …show more content…

The culture that Al-Qaeda practiced was Islam, and that is the second largest religion in the world. This society did not specifically practice only Islam but they practiced Extremist Islam. That is almost the same as the normal religion Islam in its purpose. The purpose of this religion is that the religious law should be the same as the government law. The main difference between these two related religions is that with Extremist Islam the violence is permitted to achieve their goals (9/11 Memorial). Because in the Al-Qaeda religion the violence is allowed, they attack all of these places without knowing what they were doing was bad. Instead they thought that what they did was good because if they proved that the United States was wrong, and was the responsible of their own misfortune, they might get what they wanted. Also, since a lot of time this group of people (Al-Qaeda) had problems with the USA because they wanted the US military to withdraw their military forces from the Middle East (9/11 …show more content…

I went about my normal chores. I don't really recall any extraordinary events that morning until 8:46 and change, when, sitting with my back to the west wall—I had a private office, with my desk facing my door and my back to the window—I heard an enormous thump. I didn't feel any vibration, but there was a noticeable sound like a boom or thump, and the lights buzzed for a second. My eyes jerked up to look at my overhead lights” (Clark). This first paragraph that the survivor narrates is when the first plane crashed in the North Tower. The people inside the South Tower did not expected another attack. In the South Tower they gave an announcement that said that South Tower was clear and there was no need to evacuate that tower. Then, the other plane crashes 18 minutes later. “I continued on to the west side near my office. I was fairly near the windows talking with two or three people, including especially Bobby Coll. I was looking him in the eye having a conversation with him when at apparently 9:03—I didn't check my watch—the second plane hit the south side of our building at approximately the 78th, 79th, and 80th floors. Our room fell apart at that moment, a complete destruction without an explosion—very strange things. The lights went out, but we were near the window so there was daylight. Again, there was this sort of thump, this explosion without fire and flame, a very strange sensation” (Clark). This was when the second

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