A Brief Summary Of Guns Germs And Steel By Jared Diamond

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In the documentary Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond, he explains his theory of how people live different lives by people being poorer than others. He also explains how people in the past lived and how they farmed crops, hunted animals, and built their own homes out of dry sand. Jared also explains how some societies are more materially successful than others. He compares societal success to geography, food production, immunity to germs, the domestication of animal, and use of steel. According to Lens¬ki’s, he explains how technology has shaped the human society. The Geographic luck hypothesis of resource distribution consist of how the Europeans conquest was so successful. People used variations of things such as food production, germs, animals, and steel. In the past, in order for people to survive they had to learn how to plant their crops and breed their animals. Europeans used their surroundings to build structure. For example they will use dry sand to build their own structure. Jared explains how Europeans know more than others, Lenski on the other hand determined social class by lower class, middle class, and high class. Geographic …show more content…

Culture spreading more to the east and the west along the lines of latitude was due to the climate. East and west are two points that are on the latitude line which also share the same length in day and climate. Plants and animals that thrive at a given latitude, will thrive at the same latitude elsewhere. Although it’s very unusual for animals and plants that thrive in one latitude to survive in a different latitude. As for migration towards the north and south it was very rare during that time due to moving through different latitudes and longitudes, which meant they traveled through different climates, day lengths, and different environmental