The 1936 movie, Seekers of Happiness, is a movie in which the story of a Jewish family looking to find a better life. The family decides to go to Birobidzhan, where they will achieve great things and happiness. Throughout their stay in these farms we can see how this soviet life could be portrayed to be a Jewish utopia; somewhere that the Jews might go because they will find a happy, economically peaceful life and will become new Soviet Jewish people. The first way that a viewer may discern that the film might be propaganda, attempting to promote Jews from moving to Russia, is via the songs in the scene changes. Those songs talk about “the beautiful rivers are full of fish, all nationalities are brothers, and people work together”. The idea that rivers are full of fish tells possible immigrants that it is a land where food supply is abundant and there is no worry of hunger. Claiming that all nationalities are brothers is a good way to appeal to the people that would appreciate a more socialist life, where everyone is equal and works the land. …show more content…
The Jews become farmers and therefore there is a shift on the social structure of the Jews, by being integrated into this productive work. Throughout the movie there are claims that show how good Soviet Russia can be to the Jews that in the past have been impoverished. Some examples are when Pinya is told, “It’s like having a roof over your head when it rains”, also, “Russia is a place where things are divided equally in the collective, and everyone works hard”. Both of those quotes are perfect exemplification of the idea that Soviet Russia could be a Utopia for the