The documentary called Escape Fire: the fight to rescue American Healthcare describes the current healthcare system the United States currently follows. The film also talks about why the healthcare system is not working. The United States is spending large amounts of money on a healthcare system that is not working and will engulf us all up in flames if changes do not start soon. What happens in the reform of our larger healthcare system will have an enormous impact not only on our practices and our patients, but also on our friends, families and on our own lives (Meissner, 2013). This statement alone is an example of the impact current healthcare system has on every individual in the United States, not just healthcare professionals. The film also discusses how the United States practices healthcare on a framework that every illness, disease, or condition (acute or chronic) should be prescribed medication along with unnecessary surgeries, labs, …show more content…
If insurance companies would reward individuals, the cost of healthcare should decrease because services are not getting used. John Nosta (2014) reports if individuals are rewarded for being healthy, this should in turn reduce costs on the healthcare system. If individuals are going to be rewarded for living a healthy lifestyle and lowering healthcare costs, more participation for wellness will result, which in return will improve work function and productivity because less time is needed off for appointments and sick days. In the Escape Fire film, it described how Safeway is providing a wellness program to employees and in return lowers healthcare costs and encourages a healthy lifestyle. Today it seems like people need a reason to get healthy and involved in programs, so offering rewards is a way to successful improve the healthcare