A Career As A Zoologist And Wildlife Biologist

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What is Marine biology? Marine biology is the study of creatures that live in salt water. They study and observe what's living and growing in the deep sea then take it back to labs to examine it. Although becoming a marine biologist requires at least four years of college, many research papers, and studying in remote places, this career provides a good salary, work environment, and an opportunity to work with animals. Education & Training The education and training needed to become a marine biologist is a high school diploma, a bachelor’s degree, and be technically advanced. When in high school recommended courses to take are biology, physics, math, and english. Before becoming a marine biologist you must take an exam. “After acquiring …show more content…

This job requires a very intelligent and well-rounded individual. Tasks you need accomplish a few tasks, study characteristics of animals, write papers/ reports, do presentations, collect data, and analyze the influence the human activity has on wildlife (“Zoologist and Wildlife Biologist” U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics). Some colleges and jobs require you to take a foreign language incase you are in a different country and you need to communicate with other biologist that speak a different …show more content…

Marine biology wasn’t considered a real science until the 19th century. “...we need to understand the marine environment that helps support life on this planet” (“What is Marine Biology?”). By studying the life in salt water we can see how some things in there benefit human life and other life around it. This would be a great job for someone who loves being in or near the water. “Through underwater exploration, marine biologist have discovered that humans are damaging the worlds coral reefs” (“Marine Biology” Encyclopedia of Careers 178). By having this work field we can observe what we as humans are doing to the land underwater and how we might be able to fix it. Being a marine biologist isn’t as easy as people think. “Marine biologist must face the threat to their own safety from dangerous fish and underwater conditions” (“Marine Biology” Encyclopedia of Careers 178). Not all underwater fish and creatures are friendly to underwater divers, there is the possibility that you could be attacked by one of these creatures. Work

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