A Cautionary Tale Of 1984 By George Orwell

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Madison Lynch Ms. Kraemer Accelerated English 12 11 April 2023 What made “1984” By George Orwell a “Cautionary Tale”? What is a cautionary tale? A cautionary tale is a genre of story that is told to warn the audience of a specific danger, and “1984” by George Orwell is consistently described as being a warning of the dangers of the power the government could have and how technology can be used to control us. In a cautionary tale, the audience is given a warning about what the outcomes of life could be if we continue on our current paths uncaringly. As stated in So Are We Living in 1984? By Ian Crouch, “The technological possibilities of surveillance and data collection and storage surely surpass what Orwell imagined.” Describing how the invasiveness of the government while using technology will increase to the point that fundamental privacy will be ignored. Within the book, it states, “As for sending a letter through the mails, it was out’ve the question. By a routine that was not even a secret, all letter were opened in transit.” (1984 p. 110) As shown in these examples, Orwell wanted us to be warned …show more content…

In As Orwell's 1984 Turns 70 It Predicted Much Of Today's Surveillance Society By Kalev Leetaru states, “In 1984, the government constantly rewrites and deletes history that has become inconvenient. In 2019, governments quietly rewrite press releases to remove past statements that proved wrong or to add statements to support their present assertions.” to give a modern comparison to the control the government has over what the public is aware of, and as stated in the book “Who controls the present, controls the past.” describing the effect that the government has on the information that the country has access