A Change Of Heart About Animals Analysis

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I believe that all animals should be treated but not as equal as humans. I think that animals need to have The Animal Bill of Rights because it can stop animal abuse, unnecessary animal experiments, and the death of many innocent creatures but animals can not have an equal rights as humans have. We can not ignore human suffering and focus only on animals rights. On the one hand I understand that passing the Animal Bill of Rights, while it is true that it could limit the amount of animal abuse. In Rifkin’s article “A Change of Heart about Animals” he states, “Studies on pigs’ social behavior funded by McDonald's at Purdue University, for example, have found that they crave affection and are easily depressed if isolated or denied playtime with each other. The lack of mental and physical stimuli can result in deterioration of health” (Rifkin 3). This proves that animals crave and desire affection, as do humans to survive. Pigs’ have similar characteristics and habits of the human kind. They eat, sleep, play, and feel pain. If a human lacks attention or love that person could also …show more content…

I think that scientist and psychologist shouldn’t be able to do unnecessary experiments on animals. The first reason that I think they shouldn’t is because most of the time these animals don’t survive these procedures. It isn’t right to instantly end an animal’s life, as well as its wrong to end a human’s life. On top of these innocent killings us human’s show little to no remorse. Most people believe that animals don’t suffer or feel pain but according to Victoria Braithwaite even fish feel pain. “…fish have the same two types of nociceptors that we do –” (Braithwaite 36). Nociceptors are nerve endings that alert your body if it is encountered with a pointy or sharp object. It is proven that little animals as well as fish have these in their