A Christian College Arthur Holmes Analysis

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According to Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Therefore, what is education through a Christian 's perspective and what is considered an ideal christian college. Are we focusing on the importance of education or have we lost the meaning of education, “a meaning that is large enough to carry the weight of all that college involves”(Holmes3).
The fact is that many students attend school to obtain education but for the wrong reasons. One of the biggest reasons that students attend college is for a better paying career, although it is not only this. For this reason, Arthur Holmes tells the readers in the Idea of a Christian College what a Christian college is not. A Christian college is not just an institution that protect against sin, a good education plus biblical studies, a preparation of minister for church, or just for the social and extracurricular activities. Although all that may be true, a Christian college is an “Integration of Faith and Learning,” Holmes means that a Christian college should have a program of education that cultivates the creative and active …show more content…

First, Mary was a woman who gave all her energy to her major, electives, etc, but nothing else really interested her. We then encounter, Tom who is very popular and seems to get along with everyone. Lastly, we meet Pat who discovered things in college which opened her eyes and sharpened her mind. Pat is the person I want to be. My philosophy of education, is that as human beings who are made in the image of God should educate ourselves to understand God’s creation and have an eagerness to learn and grow. Not be ignorant to other things but rather be open to new ideas. Ultimately, we worship the one who created everything and give all the glory to him because “For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”(Proverbs