A Comparison Of Al Jolson And Bing Crosby

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Bing Crosby started the song first, and Al Jolson followed. Al Jolson sang louder and extended the notes at the ends of the phrase. For example, Jolson exaggerated the words “played in ragtime” when he sang the phrase “And if you care to hear the Swanee River played in ragtime.” He also used exaggerated gestures, which is appropriate for the large theaters where he learned his technique. Furthermore, his loudness and exaggeration made him more stand out comparing to Bing Crosby. Jolson also has a dominant tone in his voice. Moreover, his singing style is energetic and extroverted.
On the other hand, Bing Crosby sang in a smoother and quiet tone. He used a variety of dynamics in each phrase and used exquisite vocal to emphasize certain words.