Walt Disney Movie Essay

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Throughout history parents had a great concern for their children’s safety and their future

life throughout knowing previous skills. In 1935 a revolutionary event guided parents in this

task, it changed how parents became involved with innovated teaching techniques used to

support their child’s learning all over the world. All of this had to do with the invention of the

television. Soon after 1965 after the Second World War, a visionary man by the name of Walt

Disney whom was the creator of World Disney. Walt Disney gave kids the opportunity to learn

significant lessons inside the world of books and stories in a fascinating way. He was also able to

captivate the attention psychologists to improve this action by building messages …show more content…

One of his Disney movies “The Humpback of Notre Dame” didn’t

portray the relevant ideas exposed by Victor Hugo’s book. Even more, the movie introduced

certain subliminal messages to young audiences. This was done to establish …show more content…

The story of Quasimodo occurred

in one of the oldest European cities, which included a gothic background in all their sceneries. It

is clear that “Image, Myth, and Prophecy are implemented in Victor Hugo work” (Duke

University, 1968) like gargles to characterize religious figures as demons or angels. All of this

led up to symbolism in where everything written in the book had a spiritual or lyrical connotation

that conduce us to religion. In addition, Religion had always been an important theme because it

portrayed a line that defined what is decent or corrupt. In this case Victor Hugo used the figure

of a diabolic priest challenging this concept to show that church was not a residence for virtuous

belongings anymore.

In Second Place, the difference between movies and books brought the necessity to

evaluate the plot, characters, symbols and their background. Utmost series, movies or television

shows never present all the details that a storybook can contain and in the majority of time they

skip, omit or forget important possessions that make the reader change its perspective based