A Critique Of Paul's Interpretation Of The Tone

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According to (Baixeras, n.d.), the hymn is about Christ and how it defines him against the background of Adam’s failure; it assumes Adam’s fateful choice, his desire to “be like God”, his failure, and his downfall. Jesus is the second Adam: where the first Adam failed, but the second Adam (Jesus) is victorious (Baixeras, n.d.). Adam sought his own interests and failed, however, Jesus remained obedient to the point of death. In verse 1 and 2, Paul is telling the Philippians to be of the same mind, to show the same love; verse 3 he tells them not to do anything out of selfishness or vainglory, but be humble (Baixeras, n.d.). He also tells them to regard others as more important than themselves; to consider other’s interest as more important than