A Day Without A Mexican Analysis

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Mexicans are also responsible for creating jobs for the Americans, as seen in the 2004 film A Day Without A Mexican directed by Sergio Arau. Perhaps the characters that demonstrate the importance of Mexicans in regards to job creation are the border security guards in the 2004 film A Day Without A Mexican directed by Sergio Arau. When the Mexicans disappear when the fog comes in “... Border Patrol has no work to do in the field because the Mexican side of the border is shrouded in fog and so they end up sitting around wondering about what has happened…” (Marambio and Tew 484). With the disappearance of Mexicans the Border Patrol finally realizes the positive impact the Mexican population had for their jobs in the 2004 film A Day Without A Mexican directed by Sergio Arau. A scene in the 2004 film A Day Without A Mexican directed by Sergio Arau, which demonstrates that border security people need the Mexicans was a video that was created by their public relations department. The video that was displayed from the public relations team is filmed in a bright location with plenty of …show more content…

When the Border Control guards are chasing down the actual Mexicans the tone is completely different in the 2004 film A Day Without A Mexican. Unlike the public relations video the scene takes place during the night and less out in the open. Here everything is the dark and the audience cannot see clearly what exactly is happening on the screen for the 2004 film A Day Without A Mexican directed by Sergio Arau. The treatment of the Mexicans is also vastly different within these two scenes in Sergio Arau’s 2004 film A Day Without A Mexican. Compared to the public relations video the Mexicans are roughly handled by the Border Control and one is even tackled in the 2004 film A Day Without A Mexican directed by Sergio

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