A Funny Thing Happened In Hero's Tale

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The story of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum originally began when Hero falls in love with a young virgin courtesan named Philia. Although Hero fell in love with Philia she was promised to a General by the owner of the house; Marcus Lycus . Lycus was an entrepreneur of courtesans and held Philia to wait there until the General would come for her. Hero confides the help of his servant Pseudolus with the task of bringing Philia to him and in doing so Pseudolus would be granted his freedom. It is that moment when the bargain is struck between Hero and Pseudolus is when the story truly beings to unfold. The slave Pseudolus begins to take center stage as the lead in the play, due to his crafty and inventive schemes that lead to more mischievous incidents surrounding the whole cast. …show more content…

This is known to be a role reversal element within the traditional view of comedic productions. The climax of the play took place during the cast of characters chase scene, where each character was chasing after one another. Throughout the chase scene Hero is united with Philia however, Pseudolus is chasing after Hero for his freedom; Hysterium is chasing Hero to bring him back to his parents, and the captain was chasing after Philia. By the end of the play all well that ends well with each character; Pseudolus gets his freedom, Hero gets to be with Philia, and the General finds out that Philia is his long lost