Siddhartha Movie Comparison

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The “Star Wars” movies, by George Lucas, show a heroic journey through a group of main characters, as they fight for the light side against the dark side. Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse, shows a journey of a buddhist, who leaves his home in search of enlightenment and becoming one with what surrounds him. The Star Wars movies contains a more entertaining plot than Siddhartha because it fosters more creative thinking/imagination, unlike a book, which exhausts imagination. Movies also consume less time, leaving the viewer feel good about spending their time watching a movie. Lastly, the saga is very tied in with the Western culture’s idea of a heroic journey and this idea is spread around the world making a lot of people used to experiencing it. …show more content…

Siddhartha is 152 pages long, which means that the average person could take up between one and a half hours and 18 hours. The audiobook on youtube takes five hours to read it out loud. Many people in today’s world have very hectic schedules that demand their undivided attention.If there wa the option of watching a two hour movie and getting more sleep per night or spending five hours read a book and getting 3 less hour of sleep; most people would choose to watch the movie. Overall, time is very interesting. If something is too short, it leaves the viewer wanting more. If something is too long, it leaves the viewer feeling bored and uninterested. A “Siddhartha” movie would not be as entertaining because the conflict is a common one that most people can relate to. Siddhartha struggles with lust when he meets Kamala and cannot resist her. Since this is a common issue that people struggle with in the real world, it would not be as interesting. “Star Wars”, on the other hand, has conflict where it is out of this world and i the future. No one knows what will happen giving the viewer a sense of adventure. When Luke is making his run to destroy the death star, the viewer feels as if he is him. That is not