A Hero's Journey

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I had asked God to show me His love for me like if He needed to prove it. In my questioning and in my doubts, I made it seem as if I didn't trust Him. He took my hand and led me to a crowded street. I could barely see through all the crowd. In the distance I could see that it was He Himself who the crowd was after. He had a crown of thorns on His head, and a cross upon His fragile back. The blood dripped from His body, but none of the ones screaming at Him or spitting on Him seemed to care. They wanted Him dead. I cried out loud, and didn't want to see anymore, but God told me to look at the proof that I wanted to see. I looked at the terrible scene once again, and this time they were nailing Him to the cross. They lifted up the cross, …show more content…

All of nature was still. Even the stars were witnessing that their King was about to die. Many were waiting for Him to do something unexpectedly, but they did not see Him do anything. Only obey what He was told. They were up on Calvary's Mountain, and the King was about to be nailed to a cross. As they beat Him down, He had you in mind. He had your smile in His thoughts. As each nail pierced His body, He was glad to know that this was going to save your soul. This was going to one day lead you to the Heavens. There He could have you by His side for all eternity. What beautiful love. The King of the world now hung on a cross. His blood dripped from the cross onto our sins. As He gave His last breath, He remembered what great things He would do in your life. He remembered the joy He would have when forming you in your mother's womb. He remembered all the times that you would praise Him...the King was now dead. His life was not taken away, for He gave His …show more content…

I wonder what tunes the birds were singing. I wonder how the Earth was showing its joy. The Earth had witnessed Jesus' Spirit come back to His body, and had seen Him roll away the stone from the tomb! He was risen! The grass sung, the flowers danced, the trees clapped, and the stars rejoiced! Their Creator was alive! I wonder how big Jesus smiled at them. Nobody else may have noticed, but Jesus could hear all around Him the pounding & singing of, "He is Risen!” His creation welcomed Him back, & the Earth was the happiest of all, for it was the first to have felt her Creator's feet touch ground again. Angels flew all around blowing their trumpets and shouting with praise! Over and over creation sang, "Hallelujah, He is Risen!" They couldn't stop proclaiming the Name of Jesus! The devil had been defeated, & our very souls had been saved! He did it! He died for us just like He said He would, & He resurrected for us, just like He said He would! And now He walked upon the Earth once again. The devil & his demons watched as Jesus walked farther & farther away. He now had the power of hell within the keys that He held, and no one could ever stop