A Jury Of Her Peers Essay

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A Jury of Her Peers written by Susan Glaspel is a feminist work with the intention to show the inequality that is between men and women. The women do not intend to solve the murder of Mr. Wright, but while gathering some of Minnie Wright's belongings they find evidence to suggest that she did murder him. They hid this evidence from the investigation because they knew they had to protect her under the circumstances given. Throughout the whole piece, she showed what women had to put up with every day. The constant ridicule of Minnie's house is an eye-opener to the women standing there and they see that it was not fair for them to judge that house because the men do not know how much work has to be put into it to keep the house clean and kept …show more content…

"'Dirty towels. Not much of a housekeeper, would you say, ladies?'" Mr. Hale assumed that Minnie Wright had nothing better to do than clean the house, but he was baffled by why it was so dirty. He says it in a way that implies that cleaning the rolling towel is such a simple thing, that it is ridiculous it is dirty. He wants the woman to agree with him that she is a terrible housekeeper. (Ayan) "'Nothing here but kitchen things'" The men are insulting what women do on an everyday basis and saying it is unimportant. They think these little trivial items are of no importance to the investigation but the women who are willing to look deeper into why the crime took place know that everything is significant when trying to look inside Minnie Wright's mind.
What men see as trivial women understand the importance of it. (Ayan)
As stated by Bendel-Simmso ̈...the women empathize with the accused murderer, the dead man's wife, and from this perspective see that the death cannot be investigated in isolation from the rest of their lives. ̈ (Bendel-Simso) The women looked for what led up to the death of
Mr. Wright when they found the evidence, unlike the men who just wanted to send …show more content…

The men did not care if there was aggression prior to this, they just wanted to convict
Minnie Wright for the murder of her husband. The men only cared about the conviction and not the motive behind the crime. This shows that the men thought Minnie Wright was simply crazy and did not care that they did not have the full story from the beginning and what triggered all of this. The women in this story disobeyed the norms but don't try to change the world. (Kamir)
They hid the evidence they found so Minnie Wright would not be convicted because they saw that she was silenced and abused. They saw themselves in her situation and understood why she did what she did. They might have been in her situation before so they helped her cover up the evidence to get her released. They are too scared to change the way things are done so they do not try to expose Mr. Wright for his abuse and they go on with their lives. They are worried that they could get punished for speaking out against the abuse Mr. Wright had inflicted on Minnie
Wright so they keep silent. They do not want to have a situation like Minnie Wright's so