
A Letter To Austin Flecker

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(A letter because cards aren’t my thing)

A question that you’ve frequently asked me throughout our relationship is “why me?“ It’s a question that I’ve always known the answer to, but yet I’ve never really known how to answer.

& I still don’t but here’s my best try.

Austin Flecker, there is not one reason why I love you. Actually the complete opposite of that. I have fallen in love with you for millions of reasons. & The problem that I’ve always had with answering your question is that I don’t have the right words to describe how immense my feelings for you are. It’s not as simple as I love you. Or I love your personality. Or I love the way I feel when you’re with me. All of that is way to simple and our love is anything but simple. …show more content…

Our love is that kiss goodnight after I screamed and shouted and cried and swore that I never wanted anything to do with you ever again. Our love is fishing together underneath a swirl of butterflies in the mountains. Our love is each cigarette that you pick up and you look at me and decide not to smoke. Our love is a room full roses, candlelight & ruffled bed sheets. Our love is the way I looked at you the day we went to prom, and the way you looked back at me. These moments and soo many more have been what has shaped our love.

Has our love ever been easy? Definitely not. Actually, you’ve been difficult since the moment I met you. Throughout our entire relationship we have fought, screamed, cried and yelled. But we have also hugged, joked, laughed, and kissed. The thing is, loving someone when they’re at their best is easy. The hard part is loving someone even when they aren’t. I love you at your best and at your worst Austin. & I will continue to love you no matter what. I know that I’m not always easy to be around, I tend to get upset and I push people away. Thank you for fighting for me even when I give up on

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