A Life Saved Tina Analysis

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Do you believe in magic? Or in this case miracles. Amber Smith wrote about a mother by the name of Tina Maldonado who experienced a life changing miracle and faced any parents’ biggest nightmare; their child’s life at stake, in the article “A Life Saved”. It was April 1st, 2003, Tina was in her living room that afternoon folding laundry as she saw her two-year-old Kandisse, walk up to a locked door that lead from their pool area to the living room that Tina was in. In A Life Saved Tina states, “I told her to walk around to the back door. I thought she had come in and was watching tv with the other kids”. It wasn’t until later when Tina asked where Kandisse was that they couldn’t find her. Moments after, Tina glanced over at the pool and saw her two-year-old sitting at the bottom. Tina ran and jumped into the pool screaming at her son to call 9-1-1. Smith reported, “No one is really certain how long Kandisse was in the …show more content…

But that is not always the case. A specific doctor by the name of Jacalyn Duffin wrote about when she traveled to Rome to study and examine over 1400 different cases in the article, Miracles and Wonders: Finding Canadian Medical History in the Vatican Archives. All of those cases having to do with miraculous unexplained cures and recoveries. Often people don’t realize that Duffin referred to herself as an “atheist doctor” (page 41). The ironic part of it is, is Duffin focused on the more religious aspect of the miracle cases. Without biased opinion or research Duffin wrote about over 10 different documented miracle cases from the Vatican Archives and gave a lecture on her studies in 2010. As Duffin accomplished the task of researching those religious cases keeping her own personal beliefs aside she described her experience in her article as “simply wonderful” (page