A Long Way Gone Memoirs Of A Boy Soldier Sparknotes

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Abstract This essay is going to explain how people are able to put themselves into literature in order to relate to what is being said. People use literature as a way to memorize and learn things. When Ishmeal Beal wrote his book A Long Way Gone Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, he was giving a person that we can put ourselves into in order to relate to his story. His story is his experience with war. Beah was just a 12 year old boy who had dreams and a childhood till he wasn’t. When he was at his friends house, a couple villages over his home village were raided by the rebels, leaving only him, his brother and his friends. When that village got attacked, this group of boys went from village to village trying to stay away from the rebels till one day they …show more content…

This is because there is something about reading that takes that information and processes it through your brain more efficiently. That is why when wanting to memorize information better, it is more beneficial to read it then to listen to it or other ways. So when wanting to explain the effects of something, writing it down for others to read and put themselves into is more beneficial. A Long Way Gone is a good example of this. He wrote his story and, in doing so, created a character for the readers to mirror themselves into so the experience of Beah can be fully felt as well as other children that experience the same things. Literature is also used to help people see things from a different point of view and make their own judgment. Some can be unbiased, while others will be very biased. In the article “Multicultural Literature and young adolescents: A kaleidoscope of Opportunity” by Susan Landt says “I was fascinated by the magic of the kaleidoscope. By holding it to my eye, I could view a wondrous scene; tap it a bit, and everything changed”(Landt). It shows how literature

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