A Modest Proposal: Data Warehouse Security Problem

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Data Warehouse Security Issue Satish Kumar, Boota Singh, Arpit Bansal Abstract:- Data Warehouse allows storage for large amount of data from heterogeneous operational. Thus provide useful and sensitive information which help decision makers to improve the organisation business process. A Data Warehouse environment must ensure that data collected and stored in one big repository. In today A large amount of data is available on the internet and data Warehouse contains processed data from different sources. So its security is most important issue concept. Security aspects should be considered in the design phase of the Data Warehouse. In the previous time Data Warehouse were used by some high level users but now it is used by everyone for the requirements. This is the main reason to provide security in the Date Warehouse. The aim of this paper to review the security approaches specifically for Data Warehouse environment. …show more content…

The first phase locate sensitive data from DWH with the help of security designers and experience person in the field. In the second phase to generate inference graph depends on a class diagram is constructed to detect elements which may cause inferences in future[17]. The security designers to generate a difference between precise and partial. Inferences precise inferences means that only exact information is provided but partial information to provide only partial information. The inference graph contain a set of nodes representing the data. These nodes are connected with each other through oriented arcs that representing the direction of inference and its type (partial or precise). Data Warehouse Schemata worked automatically using UML annotations which on and off the elements that may load to both types of inferences. There are two advantages of these approaches. Independence of data domain, and useful of present data to detect

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