
A Nation Under Our Feet By Ta-Nehisi Coates: Thematic Analysis

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“Black Panther: A Nation under Our Feet,” is written by Ta-Nehisi Coates, throughout the novel Coates makes political references in his novel. There are two ongoing battles throughout this novel, Aneka and Ayo are rebelling against the sexist standards of justice also T’Challa and his people because of his failure to protect them. Throughout the novel Coates makes references to events that happened or are happening in Africa. However, the world is blind to these events because of how Africa is viewed by the rest of the world, “Black Panther,” helps readers have a general understanding of what current events are happening in different countries. Aneka and Ayo focus their battle against sexism which is a reoccurring problem in Africa, different villages in Africa practice certain parenting techniques that involve sexism. In Ghana “Girls receive profound affection from their mothers, and are …show more content…

During the time of slavery village and tribe leaders often sold their people for money since Africa’s economy was depleting. Even though T’Challa didn’t do this to his people, he still failed to protect them, the reason why the battle started, however, the leaders during the slave trade failed to protect their people as well. There is a scene in issue #2; T’Challa is breaking into a prison surrounded by guards. However, this prison looks to be run by rebels, this scene reminds readers of what was going in Africa when Joseph Kony was causing terror with his Lord’s Resistance Army. Inside the prison there were a great deal of children and women, Joseph Kony was notorious in Uganda for kidnapping children to become soldiers and sex slaves. Coates made T’Challa the leader that tries to fix corruption and everything that went wrong before he took over. The idea of “Black Panther,” is the perfect leader Wakanda needs, someone who is powerful, strong, and

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