A Personal Essay: The History Of My Literacy

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The history of my literacy has been a long road of a frustration and learned lessons. As a child, I was a bit of a loner so reading and writing were the closest thing to a social life for me. The things that I bottled up inside came out through my writing and it became somewhat of a pass time for me. As long I could remember literacy as has been an important value for me in my life because from very young age I got express my true self without being judged by the outside. Even though in my later years I would deal with some heartaches and set back that lead me to give up on my love for reading. I would always come back to my real first love. For as long as I could remember I had this small blue recycling bin filled the top with books that my mother had collected for me.She would make …show more content…

But that confidence soon began to subside. In elementary school, we would have an annual test that determined whether a student can be placed in an advance or tutorial reading class, and every year I would be placed into the advance reading courses, so when it came time to take the test, I knew there wasn’t anything for me to worry about. And even though my score was one of the highest in the class, I still ended up in a reading tutorial class. I was a little taken aback by it, but it didn’t stop me from my love of reading and writing and plus I could switch out of those classes is I showed improvement. So I did my best to try and show that I didn’t need the extra help like some others did, but all my hard work went in vain and I was never able to get out of the class. I began to feel as if my writing wasn’t good enough and I began to slack on my writing and reading. And by the time I got into middle school, I wasn’t as enthusiastic about literacy as a once