
A Raisin In The Sun Compare And Contrast Essay

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Tests and papers and projects; oh my! Today’s teachers are faced with the daunting task of following mandated state laws as well as making sure students are actually learning the materials being taught. And of course, they must follow a strict schedule to make sure they cover all material by the end of the year. This comes at the strict price of having to decide how thoroughly they are going to cover each subject. When teaching a lesson about A Raisin in the Sun, teachers must have students read and analyze the play as well as watch the movie. Both the original play, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry and movie adaptation by director Kenny Leon follow the same storyline around the Younger family. The Younger family is a poor family …show more content…

The first major difference is that the play’s setting ventures outside the Younger’s apartment. In the book, the setting is strictly the Younger’s apartment and the characters do not go anywhere else. Whilst other settings are mentioned, the play never actually takes place there. In contrast, the scenes in the movie are quite different and there are many scenes that do not take place in the apartment. For example, there is a scene in the movie where Mama looks to buy apples at the supermarket and is treated unjustly due to her skin color. This helps the students better understand the book by giving them other perspectives into the Younger families life. Moreover, another difference is through the use of characters and the plot together.. In the play, Mama is the last person to leave the apartment. This is after she picks up her plant and leaves to move to the new house she purchased. This is different than in the play, because in the play Mama is the last person to leave the apartment after looking around at what she is leaving. Walter being the last person to leave the apartment helps the viewer understand that even though Walter’s own dream of opening a liquor store was not achieved, Mama’s dream was. A final difference is that of characters that are shown in the movie. In the play, Willy Harris is not introduced in person at all, and Bobo is only introduced at the very end of the play.

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