A Raisin In The Sun Research Paper

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A Raisin in the Sun Research Synthesis Famed playwright Lorraine Hansberry’s classic 1959 play A Raisin in the Sun is about the younger, African American family in Chicago, Illinois. They face many obstacles, like racism and money problems, while trying to fulfill their dreams. The play takes place sometime in the 1950s, which is significant to the overall plot because it is a time when suburbs like Levittown were growing fast with similar houses and lots of young families. Back then, people thought men should work and women should stay home, taking care of the family, showing how much society valued traditional roles. Specifically, the character Walter Lee, is a reflection of a middle-aged, African American, man in the time period. In the …show more content…

Through the depiction of Walter Lee’s actions, words, and thoughts, Hansberry effectively illustrates what it was like to be an ambitious African American man striving for success in the 1950s in America at this time, according to a variety of research. Hansberry uses Walter's actions to show how strong his beliefs are. Walter wants many things but mama then mama says, “I want so many things that they are driving me kind of crazy” (Hansberry 72). This quote from "A Raisin in the Sun" shows that Walter has a lot of wants and dreams that are making him feel overwhelmed. It's like he is feeling both excited and stressed about all the things they want in life. According to Price, “Homeowners created racially restrictive covenants by including language in their deeds that explicitly limited the sale of property to white buyers” (Price 2). This research by Price helps explain why Walter faces challenges in the story. It shows that back then, people made rules that only let white people buy certain houses, which affected Walter's life. Considering all the evidence, Walter Lee's struggle clearly aligns with a determined pursuit of the American dream, despite the formidable barriers he faces. Hansberry uses Walter's actions