
A Raisin In The Sun Responsibility Essay

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In the play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, the argument between Walter and Mama regarding money explores the topic of responsibility in order to present the theme that conflict can come from different ideas about responsibility. Arguments between Mama and Walter caused many scenes to have big notices about the responsibility that Mama wants Walter to have is completely different than what Walter might actually have caused conflicts between the two.

Responsibility was taking a huge part in the play “A Raisin in the Sun.” Mama said, “It’s all I got in the world and I’m putting it in your hands,” when Mama handed the money that her husband/Walter's dad had worked very hard for. Once this takes place it was where the main responsibility …show more content…

Taking us back to show how Mama has lots of expectations in Walter because of how much love and trust she has and how spending money in a meaningful way is a very important responsibility for Walter to have (107). After Mama gave the money to Walter, Walter said, “No, daddy ain't drunk, daddy ain't going to never be drunk again,” this sentence is giving the idea that Walter is trying to be more responsible after receiving the big amount of money (107). Mama has a different idea of responsibility, expecting and having a good feeling of Walter having a good enough responsibility for all of that money while Walter on the other hand had different ideas on how he can be responsible with started a big argument/conflict since Walter was able to throw that big responsibility away in one day and lost the money that was supposed to be helping the family. Once they found out all the money was gone Walter said, “Yessss! All of it…It's all gone…” When Walter said that sentence the whole argument about responsibility and taking care of the money started (129). With mama saying, “I seen…him…night after night…come in and look at that rug…and look at me…the red showing in his eyes…the veins moving in his head… I seen him grow thin and old before he

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