A Raisin In The Sun Walter Character Analysis

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Everybody has a dream in this world. The most universal of all of those dreams are to have your own home, education, good health and a supportive family. The family of Mr.
Walter lee is full of people, just like all of us, with dreams. Dreams of becoming a doctor like
Beneatha (Walter’s sister). Dreams of owning your own business, so that you’re no longer being bossed around by mean employers, in the case of Walter. Or a dream of owning your own home so that your grandchild doesn’t continue sleeping on the couch, in the case of the matriarch of the family, Lena. When Walter’s father passes on, the family gets a check for his life insurance. While Walter wants to use the money to start a business, his mother, Lena, wants to use it for …show more content…

Money, they say, is the root of all evil, and it nearly tears this family apart, but also contributes to a near fist fight between Walter and his friend Bobo due to an act of embezzlement by a third party. The family is faced with the ultimate test of faith, when they are confronted with the choice to abandon their dream home because of racism, and here is where Walter comes of age and shows leadership and direction on behalf of his family. When Lena’s husband dies, the life insurance company sends her a check of ten thousand dollars, as the widow of the deceased. As an old, and experienced person, she plans to invest the money on Beneatha’s education, and buy a house, so that the family doesn’t continue to live in a tiny rented house. Walter on the other hand, is burning with ambition and wants to use the money to start a business, so that he becomes his own boss, because he’s tired of being a chauffeur for an old, overdemanding and bossy white man. His mother tells not only him but the whole family, that the insurance money will be used her way. This …show more content…

gives him a portion of the money. (She uses the other portion to make a payment for the house, and saves the rest). She does this in the hope that Travis has a valid dream, and will invest the money wisely. Even though Travis is surprised by his mother’s sudden about turn, youth takes advantage of him as he is about to make a rookie mistake. Shortly afterwards, Walter gets together with his friend, Bobo, to come up with a plan to invest the money, with another man by the name Willy. Unfortunately, willy who is a grandmaster of corruption, misuses the money, then disappears and leaves Walter in a precarious situation. The little money that he was entrusted with by his mother on behalf of the entire family, is gone. What am I going to explain this to my mother now? He must have asked himself. How am I going to face my wife, sister and child? Is the question that must have been going through his mind. Walter is left enraged, sad and broke for the second time this year. He wishes that he had not been so quick to trust someone else, and should have taken his time to invest the money in a sound way. After all, good things take time to