Raisin In The Sun American Dream

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What happened to the dream deferred? How much cultural capital does it take for a family to move out of the ghetto for a new beginning.

In the play, “A Raisin in the Sun Walter” mama, and Beneatha use aspirational, resistant, from miliar capital. To help each other from impressive and devastating obstacles that might change their family completely.

Lena Younger, uses aspirational capital to inspire and motivate her family. She get through obstacles and helps her family move on from oppression by helping and them. Mom discuss, if one of her own children is controlled by an oppressive behavior. We have to show him love and guide them to happiness. A Raisin in the Sun mother discusses when he gets like that in life you just get to do something …show more content…

Walter a character mainly focusing on changing his daily cycle and bringing a better future for his family. Watching younger has experienced lot of changes in his family wanted to provide his family more and looking for way to escape his daily routine. A Raisin in the Sun Walter discusses “do you know what this money could do to me, do you know what this money can do for us” page 522 act scene 2. Walter warriors about his daily routine, his mindset is using the money and using familiar capital. Walter can give more to his family and earning the respect proving them they were wrong. Walter experience betrayal, from his friend taking the money that manipulated his life totally. The money that was cooking spark the light and him inspiring him to worry more about his family and not only focusing himself. Only recognizing the smiles in his family. A Raisin in the Sun Walter talks about “he told me to keep my eyes on what counts in the world”pg 569 act …show more content…

Beneatha younger dedicates her life into saving people 's lives, annoying comments like she 's African American and that she can 't succeed but neither using these comments to empower herself to fulfill her dream. Not letting nobody push her down, Beneatha wants to complete her dreams to become a doctor in saving people 's lives. A Raisin in the Sun Beneatha says “I always thought it was the one concrete things in the world that a human being could do, fix up the sick you know make them whole again” page 564 act 3. Beneatha has the strongest feeling to reach her dreams two major on medical studies. Beneatha wants to complete her dreams to become a doctor and saving people 's lives. This quote shows no matter what obstacles we face she 's a person who pursues her dreams to reach them one day. A Raisin in the Sun Beneatha 's discuss “what you talking about Ruth? Listen I 'm going to be a doctor “page? Act 1. This part of the book Beneatha shows her passion telling Ruth not going to take your insults I 'm going to be a doctor in the matter what and how people look at me. No matter my ethnicity or my religion background nobody 's going to push me down. Therefore Beneatha younger who uses a community cultural capitals resistant to reach your dreams not let nobody tell her she is