A Review Of Ladybug Lengths: Beginning Measurement Skills To Students

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Synthesis According to this review of research, teaching conceptual length measurement skills to students in the early grades is important because it will not only impact future mathematical development but also play an invaluable role in their everyday lives. Notably, it is evident that both “how to” articles described within this paper, Ladybug Lengths: Beginning Measurement and Measuring Penny are supported by the two empirical research articles regarding the developmental progression in the learning trajectory and misconceptions of length measurement. Both “how-to” articles begin by addressing the children’s level of development to design activities (Szilagyi et al., 2013) that focus on conceptual understandings of length measurement …show more content…

Notably, teachers recognized the importance of proving multiple opportunities to explore comparison activities prior to engaging in measurement tasks. This instructional implementation was made because of the learning trajectory of kindergarten and their limited practice when using measuring which correlate to the developmental progression framework of (Szilagyi et al., 2013). This Measuring Penny activity considers where students should be and what they should be able to do within their grade level by considering the CCSSM and using this guide to inform instructional decision. For instance, this activity begins with an assessment to student revealing students' developmental levels of length measurement (Szilagyi et al., 2013) and notes common misconceptions (Sisman & Aksu, 2016) students may have regarding length …show more content…

The authors within Measuring Penny intentionally plan activities based on students' misconceptions of the concept of length. Furthermore, the five sequential activities planned for prior to the main measurement activity aligned with the levels of developmental progression of length measuring. By beginning with tasks at the length comparer level (activities 1-3), then increasing to the end-to-end measurer level (4-5), and eventually increasing to the path measurer level (measuring penny with flexible objects, i.e., straws) promotes these students to move through most phases of the levels of thinking when measuring

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