A Rhetorical Analysis Of Doctor Mcteague

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In the passage, the speaker describes a doctor named McTeague who dreams of owning a successful dental parlor. Through the use of specific detail, syntax and juxtaposition, it is made evident that McTeague is a failure in his endeavours and the speaker pities the doctor. The diction the author uses in the first paragraph seems to set McTeague up for success. He is described as “immense”, “strong” and “enormous” to create an image of him that is supernatural and larger than life. However, the author quickly juxtaposes this idea with demeaning details that reveal McTeague’s downfall. McTeague is “sluggish”, “stupid, docile [and] obedient”. These characteristics convey a lazy ambition and weakness to push boundaries. This juxtaposition creates a sense of pity due to the promise and strength that McTeague possess yet his indolent mind holds him back. The emphasis on small details in the third paragraph shows McTeague’s lack of …show more content…

In the last paragraph the author describes the current signboard that simply says “Doctor McTeague. Dental Parlors. Gas Given.”. The use of uninterested details and simple sentences shows how average and banal the doctor’s accomplishments are. Following the description of his current sign is the description of the one he aspires to have. His dream is to have a “huge gilded tooth, a molar with enormous prongs, something gorgeous and attractive.” This description is the direct opposite of the previous because the speaker uses grandiose diction and an extensive complex sentence structure as opposed to an elementary style description . The use of this structure and imposing diction creates a supernatural tone regarding McTeague’s dream thus making it seem out of reach. The juxtaposition between the two signs shows that his dental career is futile and his dreams are, as of right now,