A Rhetorical Analysis Of Nicki Minga

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Final Research Paper- Nicki Minaj- Anaconda I don’t particularly like Nicki Minaj as an artist, but a lot of her work, particularly her music videos and her songs are good topics of discussion for the course in relation to sexuality. I think that the way that she presents her self in the media and in her videos is strategic to gain attention and capture a certain audience reaction. For this assignment I chose to do a close reading on the music video Anaconda. I believe that women in the music industry are consciously giving in to stereotypes and are allowing them selves to be portrayed as sexual objects in the media. For the purpose of this paper I am arguing that the Anaconda music video purposely portrays Nicki Minaj and her all female dancers …show more content…

The same could be said for the line in the song “And when we done, I make him buy me Balmain” but in this line she is a talking about having a man buy her things as payment for sex which further goes to show how over sexualized the Black women in the video are. The entire purpose of the video is to show promote sexuality of Nicki Minaj and the women in her video. Almost every aspect of her video has some sort of sexual undertone. This just goes to show that the controlling images of Black women are prominent in today’s music videos as well as in other parts of …show more content…

To understand how meanings become scripts unique to Black women’s experiences, it is important to look at how their images have been framed within a racial and sexualized socio-historical framework. This framework is important because it is important to note how Black women got to the point of being seen as merely sexual objects, and how these stereotypes emerged amongst themselves. This viewpoint can coincide with that of Patricia Hill Collins and the idea of controlling images, and looking back at the controlling images of Black women and the stereotypes that they

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