A Rhetorical Analysis Of Silent Spring By Rachel Carson

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A biologist, Rachel Carson in her published book, Silent Spring, published in 1962, discusses the topic of living life on earth and argues that “There is a growing trend toward aerial applications of such deadly poisons as parathion to “control” concentrations of birds distasteful to farmers. She supports this claim by illustrating the way birds in harmful areas, then the poisons that use, then in where are these poisons found. Carson’s purpose is to warn others to help the bird species. She adopts an informative tone for her audience, the readers of current American and others interested in the topic of poisons harming amounts of bird species using rhetorical questions and connotation. With care for the birds, Carson tries her best in finding a way to save them. Within the first half of the reading, the use of a rhetorical device was connotation. An example in the first half of the reading was, “As the habit of killing grows-the resort to “eradicating” any creature that may annoy or inconvenience us…”. Carson used connotation to say one thing, but clarify to others on what she truly meant. With the killing of creatures is growing, shows that we are harming amounts of …show more content…

For instance, the second half of the reading says, “Does Indiana still raise any boys who roam through woods or fields…explore the margins of a river? / If so, who guarded the poisoned area to keep out any who might wander… misguided search for unspoiled nature?” The use of the rhetorical device is to explain how poisons are affecting the birds, but relating it back to other human beings and see how others would take that in. The questions are to show how you may harm the future of a child into being able to see the birds that are dying. From using the rhetorical questions and comparing an animal to a human, Carson is trying to get a message through with the concern on a species that may be gone soon