A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Glorious Revolution By Guillermo Pricto

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“The Glorious Revolution”, by Guillermo Pricto, describes the state of Mexico under Santa Anna and the revolution that drove him out of power. In this piece Pricto attempts to depict the rule of Santa Anna as immoral and the revolution as a glorious act supported by the people. He first attempts to demonstrate the immorality of the court of Santa Anna by describing the Easter festivities that Santa Anna held in San Augustine de las Cuevos. After attempting to demonstrate the immorality of Santa Anna Pricto attempts to glorify the revolution by discussing the reception of the revolution among the people. In these two ways Guillermo Pricto attempts to legitimize and celebrate the revolution by cutting at the previous administration and building …show more content…

In attempting to display this Pricto uses the Easter festivities held by Santa Anna as a key example. The first problem that Pricto had was that the Easter festivities were largely gambling extravaganzas. Pricto demonstrates this by describing the scale of the gambling that occurs, describing one man saving up for the year just to lose 40 or 50 thousand pesos. This demonstrates the focus of the wealthy on gambling and excesses under the rule of Santa Anna. It also helps paint the picture of an elite that is totally disconnected from the suffering of the average people. Pricto also attempted to show the lavishness of this gambling festival in an attempt to show the disconnect between Santa Anna and the average Mexican. In order to demonstrate this Pricto described the accommodations that were put in place for the “opulent gamblers”. He describes crystalline fountains, plentiful liquor, extravagant flower gardens and magnificent meals. With these descriptions Pricto paints Santa Anna as a man completely disconnected from the desires and needs of the people of Mexico. He portrays Santa Anna’s court as an extravagant, immoral drain on the people of Mexico that could not be trusted to rule the