A Rhetorical Analysis Of Tristan Harris Time Well Spent

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As humans we have a natural longing tendency to want to belong. We crave knowledge and acceptance. It’s all apart of our biological DNA. This is why we attach ourselves to things that feed our addiction of social appreciation. We constantly check our phones praying for a notification to give us the satisfaction of being wanted. I recently read an article by Tristan Harris explaining how the smartphones in our pockets are designed to keep us hooked and how social media targets those human insecurities of needed attention. Although I fully agree with much of his points throughout his article, I also disagree with some of his ideals, for example that we use certain apps such as Yelp to make up our minds for us.

In the article Time Well Spent author Tristan Harris says that the apps on our smartphones are designed to mirror slot machines. Did you know that slot machines make more money in the United States than baseball, movies, and theme parks combined? This is the exact reason why programmers design their smartphone app in the same way. His theory behind this is that every time we check our phone we play a game.
There are two different types of game. The first one is "Pull down to Refresh." This is a typical way to check for new emails, messages, or even snaps on …show more content…

I have never been in a group where would any of my friends pick a restaurant depending on their online ratings. Usually I would go places according to someone’s friend suggestions and never because of good pictures on the internet. On the hand, I could see some people picking their restaurants and bars through an app, since they do almost everything on