A Rose For Emily Essay

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Dealing with any type of disease as a child can have an impact on your future and mental health.when a person also experience’s something traumatic it can also have a huge impact on the change of their mental and physical health.In the source “A Rose For Emily”,Faulkner William portrays Emily as a frightful girl with little knowledge about how to communicate about things dealing with her thoughts and feelings.It seems she suffered from this her whole life because that was something her father always controlled for her. So when a figure that makes her feel the security that her dad made comes into her life she will do anything she can to keep and make it her’s.In the source “A rose for Emily” Faulkner use’s symbolism and alliteration to convey …show more content…

Emily's mysterious mansion is a home to a rotting corpse,And an old house with hidden horrors.”And so she died.fell ill in the house filled with dust and shadows with only a doddering negro man to wait on her”(Faulkner).The townsmen gain suspicions of Emily as they have not seen Homer and there was a strange smell coming from her house.As emily does theses menacing things to keep a hold of homer she loses her sanity in the process allowing her to continue with her grotesque actions without thinking of the consequences or what others might think of her abnormal decisions.She did and made rash decisions in order to keep her so called happiness around as long as she could even if that meant death would be an outcome .There is a gloomy and ominous feeling that is presented as others approach emily's house.As there is a decaying corpse living in Emily's home there was soon complication coming along with it such as the townsman gaining suspicion and concerns and because of the rotting man in her home along came a horrendous smell that started to come from her home.”just as if any man could keep a kitchen properly “the ladies said so they were not surprised when a smell developed”(Faulkner).The smell of the decaying corpse gained lots of attention as the townsman could …show more content…

“I want poison” the druggist then ask what will the poison be used for emily then say that it is “for rats”(Faulkner).In order to hold onto her happiness she thought that killing him would be the only way since he was not willing to compromise willingly and advance to marriage.Emily did not take the rejection well by Homer as she was looking for something serious but Homer was not. Even though he did not want a relationship she still continued to cling onto him in hopes of changing his mind which never happened.Growing impatient with Homer and not settling with his rejection she finally gives Homer the poison after purchasing it and believes they will be together forever ”Homer is seen one last time entering the house then never again”(Faulkner).In Emily's unhealthy mind she begins to truly believe that her and Homer will be together forever after death blind by lust she makes the rash decision of killing him and then dying right beside him.The long that Emily has for love took control of her and in the process she turned into a totally different