A Separate Peace Character Analysis

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America was just getting out of a huge financial disaster known as the Great Depression. Soon after prosperity was beginning to be restored, World War II had begun. Boarding schools all over the nation were preparing their students for the war. Young men needed to be prepared to be drafted or to enlist into the war at any moment. Despite everything going on outside of Devon school, the students at Devon were fighting their own personal and eternal battles. There was a definite line between childhood and manhood in this novel. The security of the school was like childhood. There the students could play games and sports. All of the students believed they were adults, but their school’s privileges would allow the boys to still be kids. All of that changed once one took a step into the real world. The reality of the war was brutal. …show more content…

Gene wants to be himself, but he is always influenced by his best friend, Finny. He struggles to figure out who he is because he is wrapped up in being just like his friend. He wants to be able to get away with things like Finny can. Gene wants to live care free and to just have fun. There is also another part of Gene that wants to read and study. This part of Gene wants to become Valedictorian. Gene becomes jealous of Finny. All he can think about is being like him. Gene even crosses the line and tries on Finny’s clothes. Through all of his jealousy, Gene ends up not being able to control his feelings. This causes him to shake the branch Finny was standing on causing him to fall and shatter his leg. This incident makes it even harder for Gene to find himself. Finny expects Gene to play sports and to practically become a clone of him. Because Finny can no longer do the things he loves, he starts to live through Gene. Gene no longer knows who he is. Through many bad decisions, Gene is able to learn and grow into a mature young